Our letter to the President

Dear President Obama,

Please take action to end America’s affordable housing and homelessness crisis. We need:
  • More section 8 vouchers immediately
  • Build public housing to meet the need
  • Full funding of the National Housing Trust Fund
  • Stop foreclosures

Friday, April 3, 2009

Sharon McKenzie, Homeless, San Jose

Reparations for Black people born in America, descendants of slaves, is the KEY to ending the economic crisis. Every American would benefit from you HONORING that PROMISE, seeing as we do not own anything. I am 58 years of age, have been homeless for nine years, and have both physical and mental health issues, but no health insurance. It is time for some President - namely you! - to stand by the principles of the Constitution of our forefathers. It is time to change the reality of U.S. homelessness, poor health, mis-education, poverty, and war-torn and uncared for veterans, etc.

Please keep your promises to all of us, not only to the rich and middle classes.

Our youth voted you in, so how can you leave any one of them behind?

It is time to heal, educate, and enrich all peoples so that we become a truly multi-cultural, pluralistic, free society. You cannot claim greatness doing petty things.

It is not our trial, it is yours. Thank you for your time and consideration. Going to lay down our burdens, down by the riverside, ain't going to study war no more!

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