Our letter to the President

Dear President Obama,

Please take action to end America’s affordable housing and homelessness crisis. We need:
  • More section 8 vouchers immediately
  • Build public housing to meet the need
  • Full funding of the National Housing Trust Fund
  • Stop foreclosures

Friday, April 24, 2009

Margarita Chaires, San Jose

Hasta ahorita no he podido hagarar mi apartamento de bajos ingresos. Soy una madre sola de cinco ninos, ya por circonstancias de destino, mi esposo esta en prision. Y si pudiera ayudarnos se lo agradeceria. Dios lo bendiga. Gracias

Frank Bosche, San Jose

Josie H. Menendez, San Jose

I believe that the housing waiting list is too slow. I have been waiting on the section 8 list for nine years. I feel very discouraged and helpless at times. Most of my money goes for rent. Affordable housing isn't affordable, especially for me and my two children.

Joon Won, Sunnyvale, CA


Maria Alvarez, Angel, Javier, Carlos, & Edgar, San Jose

Senor Presidente Obama,

Necesitamos mas viviendas y que alla mas trabajos para las personas que tienen poco trabajo y para los que lo han perdido. Ayude tambien a las personas que estan perdiendo sus viviendas y le pedimos una reforma migratoria justa.

Mercedes Ponce, San Jose

Por favor, ayudenos a pagar menos renta.

Raul Hernandez, Sunnyvale, CA

Lizbet Israde, San Jose

Nos hemos visto sumamente afectados por la situacion que estamos viviendo. Ya que al no haber fuentes de trabajo se nos dificulta para proveera nuestra familia, a nuestros hijos con lo necesario: para pagar la renta, comprar comida, y sobre todo nos afecta el stress de vernos en la desesperacion de no poder salir adelante.

Muchas gracias por su atencion.

Gary McCumber, San Jose

Minerva Kalinawan, San Jose

Please help us, we need affordable housing.

Leticia Ramirez, Jaqueline, & Oswaldo, San Jose

Hola Senor Obama,

Es un placer saludarle a usted y su familia. Mis mejores deseos para ustedes.

Oy le pido que nos tomen en cuenta a nosotros los que no tenemos papeles, y que baje un poco la renta. Porque cada dia es mas dificil pagar todo: renta, servicio medico, etc. Muchas gracias.

Richard T. Lucero, San Jose

Dear President Obama,

As a disabled veteran I am currently in a housing program with my wife and child, and we appreciate it greatly. I feel that we as Americans deserve more housing assistance for renters.

Karla Barahana, San Jose

Please help those in need!

Martha Barahana, San Jose

Help the low-income people. Blessed be!

Roza Buzayera, San Jose

Roberto Padilla, San Jose

Louella Galbiso, San Jose

Rents are too high. I faced eviction due to high rent!
Please help, especially citizens who are on unemployment!

Kaye-Ailsa Rowan, San Jose

Cuts in SSI and SSDI are also contributing to homelessness. Public aid to disabled persons who are unable to support themselves is very important for preventing homelessness. Fully funded health care can also help by preventing or mitigating the medical problems that lead to disability.

Dale Schultz, San Jose

Jean J. Rivers, San Jose

Peter M. Guardado, San Jose

Presently sir I am a victim of circumstances. Being just released from prison is making my life hard. In 1992 I was unjustly convicted of a 290 P.C. With this I am struggling just to acquire a decent job so our economy can bounce back. I have been homeless since 2001. A 290 cannot adjust in any way in this society no matter how you are looked upon. It is mind-boggling how rapidly the policing and jailing around this code is increasing - even for urinating in the bushes.

Well yes, I agree that homelessness will increase, so I am for some solution other than life behind bars! As for the above four points, by all means please pass a bill to consider adding more money. Thank you, honorable President.

Margarita Mora, Brian, Brandi, & Valeria, San Jose

Necesitamos ayuda en la cuestion de viviendas, y que paren las guerras. La situacion que vivimos en estos tiempos es muy dificile porque ho hay trabajos. Necesitamos ayuda.

Carlos Santacruz, San Jose

Bill Ardrey, San Jose

Irene Hooper Gomez, San Jose

There is a need especially for single parents who are trying to make ends meet. I have tried to get section 8 housing for years but to no avail.

Carina Andres, Santa Clara, CA

I am very proud that you are the President. You are very considerate to all people. My husband has no job right now and I am the only one working. My concern is that we have accomodation for all our basic needs, especially a house with lower rent.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Dickson A. Aibuedefe, Campbell, CA

Bravo, President Obama. Keep on doing what you do best, what has lifted you up to this level in your life. Come on, Obama, what is the big deal about providing section 8, public housing, the National Housing Trust Fund, and stopping foreclosures? These areas mentioned need quick attention for urgent restoration. Please, Mr. Obama, do something to make change as soon as possible. I only pray to God that in your term, God will use you as a point of contact to restore the global economy from crisis, for a permanent restoration in Jesus's name, Amen. In God we trust.

Rev. Nancy Palmer Jones, San Jose

Dear President Obama,

As the minister of a bilingual Unitarian Universalist congregation in this multi-cultural city, I see the effects of a lack of affordable housing on families in our congregation and our town. Your inspiring leadership - already doing so much! - can help to heal the crisis.

Warmly, Rev. Nancy

Zenaida Silva Soriano, San Jose

Usted me parece buen presidente, y esperamos ayuda y como promete. Ojala Dios le preste mucha voluntad para que nos heche la mano. Gracias, Dios lo cuide y su familia.

Mi Xenglin & Kun Xin He, San Jose

We have to live with my son and his wife. Now they told us we have to leave. We need a place of our own.

Carmen Ramirez, San Jose

Que ayude al todo el pueblo, pricipalmente a los indocumentados, y a las familias que estan perdiendo sus casas.

Roz Applebaum, San Jose

Madelon Pena, San Jose

I believe section 8 vouchers should be for everyone, geared for families with kids, but also for people without kids, or the homeless.

Public housing should be based on the total income per family - 30% of income should be for the rent.

There should be full funding of the National Housing Trust Fund to help people that are less fortunate.

They should stop foreclosures. People that do not have jobs due to layoffs should have a chance to pay a lower mortgage. Mortgage companies should work with people.

Billie Springer, San Jose

Good job!

Desiree Ortiz, San Jose

We need more available housing.

Increase the minimum wage by $5.00 an hour.

Affordable housing.

I want a doggie too!

Peter Montgomery, San Jose

Please help the people in need, for this will help the overall well-being of the nation. God bless. Thank you.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Phong Dinh, San Jose

Saul Wachter, San Jose

Rosa Del Rio, Rosio, Arturo, & Fernando, San Jose

Yo necesito lugar para vivir con mis ninos. Tango seis y mi esposo. No puede trabajar. Esta incapacitado. Necesitamos toda clase de ayuda que usted me pueda proporcionar, Senor Presidente. Gracias.

Brian Avery, San Jose

Maria Lopez, Refugio Padilla & Felipe, San Jose

Martha Banuelos, San Jose

Que nos hace falta mas viviendas y tambien mas ayuda de todo.

Karen J. Farris, San Jose

I am a U.S. veteran and find that a large percentage of the homeless are veterans. Please look at the needs surrounding housing for honorable discharged vets.

Frey Leigh, San Jose

Griselda Gonzales, Isai & Alondre, San Jose

Evangelina Nicole Mary Gutierrez, San Jose

Dear President Obama,

Why are gas prices still going up?

Azucena Vargas, San Jose

Renita Michelle Fleming, San Jose

God bless you and your family. Housing is really bad in San Jose, we need your help, we know you can do it.

Robert E. Owen, Saratoga, CA

Silvia Ramos, San Jose

Necesitamos que nos ayude con renta porque la renta es muy cara.

No tenemos empleo.

Tenemos hijos, y ellos necesitan apoyo nuestro y de usted, en algunas clases, como pintura arte.

Dianne Saichek, San Jose

Negotiable new mortagages to reflect declining home values.

Ben Cadena, San Jose

Please help the poor, what has happened to the housing is a travesity and a discredit to our Nations ideals.

Berenice Paulin, Evelyn & Natalie, San Jose

Me gustaria que las familias no pierdan sus casas.

Deanna La Torre, San Jose

Belen Shua, San Jose

Nos gustaria que nos ayudara a que la renta no sea muy alta. Y que los ninos tengan mas programas para familias de bajos ingresos, como clases de arte, pintura , musica, porque las clases tienen un costo muy alto.

Geoffrey Glibas, Campbell, CA

Anne Ehresman, San Jose

So many people can't afford a house or an apartment. More section 8 vouchers would help immediately, but long term solutions are needed! Housing should be regarded as a basic human right.

Maria Rodriguez Valencia, San Jose

Antes que todo gracias por escuchar sobre nuestros necesidades. Necesitamos toda la ayuda que usted nos puede proposionar. Necesitamos su ayuda.

Mike Renteria, San Jose

I am deaf, I need help getting into section 8 housing.


God bless you.

Marta G. Norment, San Jose

Alejandra Montejano & Erandyt, San Jose

Eric Harscheid, San Jose

Bob Miess, San Jose

I am pleased to see you working on so many fronts to bring justice and hope to the people of this country. But one major gap needs serious nationwide attention. There are responsible hard working people who cannot afford a roof over their heads and shelter for their children. Please take the initiative to address this basic human need.

Angelica Guillen, San Jose

Mas certificudos de seccion 8.
Un alto a las ejecuciones hipotecarias.
Un alto a las redadas de inmigrantes.
Ayuda a las emigrantes para poder arreglar sus estatos migratorios.

Patricia Aceves, San Jose

Hola Senor Obama lerogamos que se haga una amnistia por favor para las personas inmigrantes. Somos como las aves temen salir por temor de hacer atrapados. Es muy triste la situacion en que vivimos. Espero este pequeno ruego ley llegue al corazon y por un momento se ponga en nuestro lugar.

Que Dios lo bendiga a usted y su familia.

Barbara Tonnesen, Sunnyvale, CA

Schantell Shaddox, San Jose

I live in a one bedroom and can barely afford it, I am a single mom. I t would really be helpful.

Amalia Magana, San Jose

Tengo tres hijas y necesito housing. Y no encuentro, y tambien necesitamos permiso de trabajo para tener trabajo permanente para sobrevivir. Necesitamos encontrar donde vivir.
Obama gracias por escucharnos.

Elva Leon Lopez & Dayana, San Jose

Nesecito vivienda de bajos recursos.

Crystal Isola, San Jose

Keykhosrow Mobed

Cathrine Pelizzari, Milpitas, CA

Jeff Norment, San Jose

Guadalupe Phillips and April, San Jose

Lucy Cain Sargeant, Los Altos Hills, CA

Irene Davila & Ernestine Delgado, San Jose

Dear President,
We need more section 8 vouchers for the homeless people as ourselves. There are thousands of people living in tents, we need help now.

Lauren Ashley, Sunnyvale, CA.

Richard Stevens, San Jose

Keep making donations deductible.

Albanely Marin Ramirez, San Jose

Emma Valenzuela, San Jose

Please help me find housing. I can't qualify for any Federal Assisted Housing because of strict guidelines i.e., bankruptcy, foreclosure, bad credit, criminal history.
Where can I live?

Charles Houston, San Jose

May the blessings of our Father God continue to bless you and yours, and also each member of your team to help get the USA back on track........ GO FOR IT


Kimberly Collins, San Jose

We are in a unprecedented crisis right now. We are in a desperate need to provide enough housing for our growing population. The economic crisis in America warrants the immediate need for more section 8 vouchers and affordable housing. Lets put funds that are being used for the senseless war in Iraq and use it here in our homeland. I love the intelligence, vigor, and hope that the Obama administration has brought not only to our country, but to the world. I'm very confident that our new President and his talented administration will turn the housing and economic crisis around.

America Mata, San Jose

Que se an. Mas baratas losrentas a que podasmos acernos de una casa a apartamenta.

Jordin Gomez Avalos, San Jose

Se necisita trabajo pues. Yo tengo 6 Meses descansado.

Rebecca J. Cole, San Jose

This is great work. I work at Sacred Heart and I know from the interactions with our customers that this is one of the TOP NEEDs of our community!