Our letter to the President

Dear President Obama,

Please take action to end America’s affordable housing and homelessness crisis. We need:
  • More section 8 vouchers immediately
  • Build public housing to meet the need
  • Full funding of the National Housing Trust Fund
  • Stop foreclosures

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Pastor Scott Wagers, San Jose

Dear President Obama:

We at the CHAM Deliverance Ministry send our prayers and our sincere gratitude to you, your family and your administration. We know that you are mindful of, and concerned about, the suffering of the poor and homeless across America due to the ongoing housing crisis and lack of universal health care. We have sent you hundreds of letters from those languishing in forgotten corners who wonder what will become of their American dream. We are sending the letter to you because we know that you care about their plight and you hear their voices echoing from tent cities, abandoned buildings, freeway overpasses and river-beds across America.

We pray these letters will be the harbinger of a "new day" in America. A day that you, Dr. King and many other great Americans have spoken about: That day when all of God's children can join as one and say in the words of that old spiritual, "Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty We are free at last."


Rev. Scott Wagers
Founder, CHAM Deliverance Ministry
San Jose, CA

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