Our letter to the President

Dear President Obama,

Please take action to end America’s affordable housing and homelessness crisis. We need:
  • More section 8 vouchers immediately
  • Build public housing to meet the need
  • Full funding of the National Housing Trust Fund
  • Stop foreclosures

Friday, May 8, 2009

Grant Hendricks, San Jose

We can very much use more section 8 vouchers to help our homeless families and individuals.

Norma Lopez & Jessica, San Jose

Necesitamos fondos para viviendas, y mas certificados de seccion 8 inmediatemente.

Lauro R. Sanchez, San Jose

Try your best, President Obama. Please, you are a good man. May God bless you. Peace

Pat Plant, Sunnyvale, CA

Thankfully, I have housing. But I feel called to work for housing issues alongside my friends without housing. I feel that it is a sin and a shame for there to be unhoused people. It simply is unacceptable in a wealthy society that our priorities should not include housing (as well as healthcare) for our weakest members. To allow homelessness is unacceptable.

In our rich Silicon Valley there are some very rich people, but one quarter of our population lives in poverty. The standard of living is so expensive here that housing is out of reach for many people even if they work more than one job, and especially if they are unemployed (nearly 10% of our residents are unemployed at this time.)

Public housing is needed in our area. If we had public housing here, people with a low income or without an income could be housed. There is not enough existing low-income housing affordable to the poor. Section 8 housing vouchers would help, but require building owners to accept them which they don’t always do; and, there are not enough available housing units for the number of people who need them.

Housing should be a priority for the Obama administration.

Mary Sandoval, San Jose

We need medical insurance. I need an operation but I can't get it approved!

Thank you.

Adrian Haggerty, San Jose

I totally agree with the fact that we need more help in San Jose!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Megan Zehnder, Santa Clara, CA

Huan Dinh, San Jose

I need housing.

Maxine Eggerth, Cupertino, CA

San Jose has struggled for many years with housing problems for the poor. Please take steps to alleviate this long overdue problem.

Miguel & Margarita Rubio & Gloria

We just had a son and Miguel has been out of work for the last two months. The times have been really hard. We would really thank you if you could help us find an apartment that is affordable to us.

Chris Block, San Francisco, CA

Celia Alvarez, San Jose

We are losing our house because my husband does not have any work to do. We lost our truck, too. So we are planning to rent an apartment or another house, but the rental rates are scary! We need reasonable prices for renting or buying a house, a mobile home, or a condo.

Any help is acceptable. Thanks!

Guadalupe Moreno, San Jose

Michael W. O'Rourke, San Jose

P.S. Please help soon!

Catalina Gomez Esquivel, Maria Gomez, Fernando, Gloria, & Gabriella, San Jose

Estimado Presidente Obama,

Le pedimos con mucho carino que nos ayude con la renta y con trabajo a nosotros los Mexicanos.

Le pedimos com mucho respeto y amor que nos ayude con viviendas mas baratas para nuestras familias, y mas trabajito para nosotros las mujeres, y que nos suban los empleadores mas el sueldito. Porque no nos alcanza para ahorrar para la educacion de nuestros hijos.Lo estimamos, lo admiramos, y lo respetamos.

Bye! Gracias.

Joshua Jason Jacquez, San Jose

The government should stop assisting other countries and should immediately help our own people.

Sandra Cannon, San Jose

I am number 23,140 on the section 8 waiting list in Santa Clara County.

I am in my late 40s and I have a two year-old. I have worked for years just to pay rent and bills. I have been on the waiting list since 2006. Now that I can't afford to pay high rents, I have been forced to either go to a shelter or bunk in with family members (which is very hard on me and my baby).

This system is supposed to be set up to help women like myself who have worked most of their lives, and never been on welfare. I can work for a few hours a week, but I do not make nearly as much as I used to. I need section 8. It was supposed to be set up for women in my situation. I have had to accept less than one third my previous salary just to be able to work at all.

I really need assistance. Please hurry this along, since it is so very much needed. Thank you.

Nancy Hada, San Jose

Ralph Borunda, San Jose

I would appreciate some help to buy a truck so I can start my own landscaping business. I have tools but I need a truck. Right now I am homeless and trying to get on my feet. Thank you

Nancy Hermosillo, Camilla, & David, San Jose

We need help with this urgent problem. Thanks.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Jean Murphy, San Jose

Help: please, we need more section 8 vouchers.

Gloria N. Murphy, San Jose

I am really homeless. My address is just a mailing address. If there were more section 8 vouchers, then I could get one for me and my family.

Madeline Bodisco Alexander, San Jose

Franz L. Bachmeier, San jose

Please help us all. We need it badly.

Faustino Varillas Mercedes, San Jose

Judy Paramo & Johnny Rodriguez, San Jose

Dear President,

First of all, we are so proud to be U.S. citizens and we are speaking for residents of San Jose, California. We are very blessed to have you as our President, with your lovely wife and children. We have all come a long way to where we are now.

We ask you with all respect to please consider more section 8 housing for all our homeless people and families. We all would appreciate it. God bless you, love always, please hear our prayers.

Quang Minh Ho, San Jose

I need help with housing.

Robert Leal, San Jose

I am currently unemployed in Silicon Valley. My brother is a recent amputee and is in desperate need of assistance and rehabilitation. We depend on the assistance of places like Sacred Heart that has helped us with food, clothing, and even lunches. We thank them from the bottom of our hearts.

Maria Mendoza, San Jose

Daniel Contreras & Dulce, San Jose

Necesitamos viviendas a bajo costo y de buena condicion.

Laroy B. Davis, San Jose

Keep up the good work for the people.

Erasma Zamora, San Jose

Elidia Gonzalez, San Jose

We need more jobs available in San Jose, California.

Section 8 is in great need to help us find housing for families in need.

The National Housing Trust Fund should be made more available.

Stop foreclosures and help people keep the homes that they call their "castle". People work hard to have the American dream, but the economy the way it is makes it impossible.

Allow people to refinance to get out of "ARM loans" into a fixed rate - and not only those who are at risk of foreclosure but everyone.

John Burk, San Jose

Susan M. Alcantara, San Jose

Yes, we need more places to live and more section 8. I am so tired of waiting for a space where I can live. So it would help us a lot more if you just say yes. Thank you.

Brenda Veronica Montes Castro & Leslie, San Jose

Necesitamos mas trabajo, y mas casas y apartamentos be bajos ingresos. Gracias.

Josephine Ironteeth, San Jose

After the death of my husband, my home was put into probate. I became the vulnerable victim of a father-and-son con artist team that were picking out certain homes to steal. I ended up renting MY OWN home from them, after they liquidated my equity, for their mortgage payments. I would like to know about getting all of what is owed to me and my family returned.

Rodrigo Vera, San Jose

Nashan Lipps, San Jose

I am a disabled veteran and single mother who works for the County of Santa Clara in San Jose, California. When the section 8 housing list opened up two years ago in our county, I was receiving worker's compensation. I now have a 14% permanent disability and must take a combination of seven or eight medications daily in order to have a functional pain level, so I can do a semblance of normal activity on a daily basis.

We need open enrollment for section 8 housing in Silicon Valley. San Jose is very expensive, and when your income has been cut by 50% due to a health deficiency, then you lose everything like I have.

Yanira Tapea, San Jose

Miguel A. Hernandez, San Jose

Necesitamos mas fuentes de trabajos y mas estimulos para las escuelas de nuestros hijos. Gracias.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Cynthia Gipson, San Jose

We are a family of five, three adults and two children. We are doing the best we can. Please provide more funds for our city, San Jose. It is much needed.

Donna Lenahan, Monte Sereno, CA

Melissa Humes, San Jose

Bertha Alvarez, San Jose

Gracias por escuchar nuestra voz.

Leonard Washington, San Jose

With today's economy being what it is, the above issues are critical to a better society for all U.S. citizens. This is the chance America needs.

Guadalupe Orozco, San Jose

Necesitamos mas ayuda para las personas sin hogar, sin trabajo, y con pocos recursos.

Rita Saldivar, San Jose

We need more section 8 vouchers or affordable housing for those who are low-income or no-income, because of the economy. Thank you for your time.

Frances Leili, San Jose

Don't forget the "least of these".

Nancy Powell, San Jose

Please help the homeless get section 8. Help people get housing. Someone stole the home I had, but I will be getting a place of my own now. Please help others that are in need.

Guadalupe Rodriquez, San Jose

Senor Presidente Barack Obama,

Necesitamos su ayuda para tener empleo y vivienda. No se olvide de nosotros. Gracias.

Diana Hunter, San Jose

Mr. Obama,

The letter above addresses the other issues affecting low-income people, so I think I should take a stand on the question of General Assistance in San Jose, California. It is $147.00 a month. After rent, water, and electricity I have $0.00 left over. I recently was trained to be a Sterile Processing Distribution Tech with a starting pay of $26.00 an hour. Where and when will people doing positive things in the G.A. system get a break? When will there be a raise or a stimulus for us?

Genie Bernardini, San Jose

What an outrage that we cannot provide the dignity of owning a house to all our citizens.

Maria Vargas & Anthony, San Jose

Me dio mucha alegria el que usted haya sido electo como presidente de este pais. Aunque no naci aqui, me siento y quiero mucho a este pais que me ha dado muchas oportunidades que en mi pais no existen.

A pesar de que hemos trabajado mucho, no vivimos con tranquilidad. Pues tememos por nuestro estatus. Le solicito de la manera mas atenta darnos una oportunidad para estar aqui mas tranquilos y no vivir en el sosobra. Gracias.

Eloise Mary Broyles, San Jose

We need lower rents.

Nguyen Thi Minh Tuyet, San Jose

I say thank you, good friend. I just recently came to this new USA city, a rich and happy city, friend. People here are always nice and friendly, helping all poor people. So I pray to meet good friends who help forever.

So thank you very much. Amen. Amen.

Jose Gonzalez, San Jose

The homeless population continues to grow and the demand for affordable housing increases. Someone in your position can make a difference. Thank you.

Flordeluza C. De la Paz, San Jose

Please lower the housing rate for low-income and senior citizens. Thank you.

Geoff Rimositis, San Jose


Susana Cantabrana, San Jose

Necesito vivienda que yo pueda pagar.

Ruth Gonzalez, San Jose

We need more housing for the homeless. I am a single parent. I wish you could help the homeless who need it, even though we don't get income and just get food stamps.

Carmen Hernandez & Emily, San Jose

Presidente Obama,

Que Dios le bendiga y que el Senor le de mucha sabiduria y le guarde donde quierra que anda a usted y su familia.

El desempleo ahora esta muy dificil por los que estan buscando trabajo. Yo soy medical assistant y maestra de pre-school y ni aun asi se encuentra trajajo, ni de janitor. Espero que este sea uno de los primeros puntos de resolver.

Maggie Mailo, San Jose

We really need more affordable housing. There are just too many homeless people on the streets. Please, Mr. President, help our American people! Thank you and God bless America!

Colleen Cabot, San Jose

Ta-Yin Chou Wen, San Jose

Juan Arellano, San Jose

Please help. We need food and we need safer schools.

Connie Bloch, San Jose

I am an RN. I have met many people who through their disabilities and problems with working cannot afford housing. There needs to be more section 8 housing.

Juanita, Steffanie, Michelle, Yolanda, & Joseph Espinoza, San Jose

We are currently homeless and Sacred Heart Community Service helps us out big time. Without these services we would not be eating. Please help us and others who need you now.

Veronica Chavez, San Jose

Necesitamos mas fondos para servicio medico.

Lorraine Jaramillo, San Jose

Dear Obama,

I would love to ask you if you could help more people to have housing. My daughter has two kids, a three year-old and a newborn. I pray that you help the people who have kids, and I pray that you will help us. Thank you.

Love, Lorraine Jaramillo

Casey Sanchez, San Jose

There are too many people living outside. Let's all make a difference in people's welfare and people's lives. Get it done!